A reason to Return to the Catholic Church?
Well, to be honest I'm only partly kidding. This is a priest who has a glimpse into reality, and could make a convincing case for Christianity -- If he were to remove all the miracle and supernatural stuff ala Thomas Jefferson.
These two clips have made the rounds on the internet. Here at Crooks & Liars and at BradBlog.
First here is what you saw on the O'Reilly Factor:
And here is the interview which actually took place:
It is clear to see that Bill O' is speaking as a completely hypocritical Christian and the priest as a true Christian. I don't know, but through all Bill O's ranting, he is coming close to placing himself in the role of anti-Christ (thanks to Rapture-Ready). Lying about men of God in the name of Jesus? Sounds pretty bad to me.
But again I have to give this priest many many kudos. He knows what is going on and what is true and real. Bill O' still does not.
Labels: Catholicism, conservatives, hypocrisy, politics
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